AAUW is Second to None for women and girls. Together We’re Better
Thank you so much for your generous support. Counting all contributions across online, offline, matching funds and prizes, we have blown past our goal of $13,000! Together, we have raised a whopping $18, 587!
Coastside Gives through Mavericks Community Foundation has had its best year ever. Over $1.55 million raised from 3,230 donors! We are very pleased to participate in this amazing community effort. We are better together, and very proud to be Second to None for women and girls!
Jan Grierson and Mary Sheridan
Coastside Gives 2024 Cochairs
Congratulations and thanks to all who worked very hard to make this night a success!
Coastside Gives Campaign is a Success!
⭐️We are a Force!⭐️ Thank You!⭐️
Our fundraising campaign through Mavericks Community Foundation proves AAUW Half Moon Bay is a Force for Women and Girls. This year our Branch has raised a remarkable $17,234! We exceeded our $12,000 goal by 44%. Thank you for all your support on May 4, 2023, in our community, and beyond!
This amazing amount represents our generous Matching Fund which jumpstarted our efforts early on ($4500), cash awards earned for social media posts, and a YouTube video ahead of Gives Day ($750), as well as phenomenal support from members and friends of the Branch, which helped us earn $1500 in prizes. Thank you, All!
AAUW HMB Annual Theatre Fundraiser
We will host our annual theatre fundraiser on the evening of March 14th. We hope you’ll join us for the reception, a lively silent auction and the Coastal Rep Theatre’s presentation of “She Loves Me.”
The reception and silent auction bidding is from 6-7:30 pm with wine/beverages and hors d’oeuvres. The play starts at 7:30. Beverages and desserts will be served during intermission.
Tickets are $35 and can be ordered by mailing a check to AAUW-HMB, PO Box 1414, El Granada, CA 94018 or at the box office on the evening of March 14th.
For more information please contact cortega.hmb@gmail.com .
AAUW Half Moon Bay Speech Trek Contest
Our branch welcomes several Half Moon Bay High School students to the 2024 Speech Trek Contest. They have been coached by AAUW member, Antoinette Wrubel. Three city and community members will serve as judges. The first place winner will receive $500 and the runner-up $250. The overall winner will advance to the state semi-final competition. Three winners from the state will compete at the AAUW Annual event in April. The public is invited to attend! Please pass along this information to neighbors and friends. Extraordinary topic for discussion. Mary Vargas, Speech Trek Coordinator
“Reading is a discount ticket to everywhere.”
*Mary Schmich, Pulitzer Prize Winner, American Journalist
Monday, May 21, 2018
Community United Methodist Church, Half Moon Bay.
Reading is the common thread for our two speakers in May. Their presentations will
focus on addressing spaces and programs that provide access for the magic that is
Annie Malley is branch manager of Half Moon Bay Public Library. She is coming to
talk to us about the progress and programs of our new library. At this time, the building
is expected to finish in June and moving in is scheduled for July. A grand opening
is planned in August. There is a bonus! Our branch has had a long-standing partnership
with our library and we are looking forward to using this beautiful new building for
many meetings in the coming years.
Elizabeth Schuck is a long time educator and Coastside resident. You may know Liz
from our community, through CUSD and Rotary. Liz is coming to speak to us about
The Big Lift. Information from this organization’s website states: “In 2013, San Mateo
county leaders made a bold commitment to help all our kids succeed and participate
in the booming Silicon Valley knowledge economy. This is a bold social venture that
aims to transform early learning. The Big Lift combines high-quality and connected
learning experiences from preschool to third grade. It offers programs to help close
the achievement gap and end summer learning loss.”
Both Annie and Liz have a lot to share with us, so don’t miss this meeting!
As children’s author, Patricia Palocco says, “Reading gives us some place to go
when we have to stay where we are.”
Meeting Reminders:
Hospitality provided by South Half Moon Bay
Social Time begins at 6:30 p.m.
Program begins at 7:00 p.m. Business Meeting to follow.
Activities shared to the community (besides our mission and web site are): upcoming September brunch (9/12) invite, recent Tech Trek and STEM Campers along with article and links to the girls videos made in STEM technology workshop using iPads + Adobe Voice app, along with SAVE the date for our Winter Tea (11/7&8, 11/14&15) fundraiser.