Inspired by Silicon Valley Gives 2016, a few like-minded individuals on the coast had an idea. In May, local non-profits join together to support the local organizations that help make our community a special place to live, work, grow and play.
Go online to and support AAUW-HMB!

Holidays at the Johnston House
Collaborative fundraiser at the Johnston House (100 Higgins Canyon Road) with the Johnston House Foundation and Coastside Women’s Club. Held early November on a Saturday 10am-4pm. Enjoy shopping, historic house tour, food, music and beverages.

Thank You!
Thank you to everyone who helped AAUW Half Moon Bay surpass our Coastside Gives goal. Your donation will help us provide scholarships for local women graduates, support Speech Trek, restart our STEM programs and develop new local programs based on AAUW research to continue to empower women and girls in Half Moon Bay.
A special thank you to Mavericks Community Foundation and the sponsors who encouraged us to learn new skills to win prizes and raise funds to support our mission.